BAbe’s Comic Art Museum Coming Soon!
*All comic images & videos of Kushala The Spirit Rider are legal property of Marvel Comics & are for Educational Fair Use Purposes Only*

School ⚡️DonAtion⚡️

BAbe’s Comic Art is proud to Announce the donAtion of our entire collection of originAl comic Art! This includes 2 Complete books of originAl comic Art From MArvel Comics The WAr of the ReAlms: Journey Into Mystery Issues 4 & 5 By André LimA ArAújo & one of the world’s lArgest collections of originAl MArvel Comic Art feAturing KushAlA The 🔥Spirit Rider🔥 Our original Comic art donAtion is dedicAted to Supporting Indigenous Inclusion In Comic Art & Empowering Art Education for the students & future generAtions of Our local school In the San Luis Valley
*All comic images & videos of Kushala The Spirit Rider are legal property of Marvel Comics & are for Educational Fair Use Purposes Only*
KushAlA The Spirit Rider


Origin Story
KushAlA the Spirit Rider became A Spirit of VengeAnce & Sorcerer Supreme, After U.S. Soldiers mAssAcred her ApAche fAmily In the StAte of ArizonA In the Southwest United StAtes of AmericA in 1868.
KushAlA’s EternAl grief & mournful wish for vengeAnce Guided her to prAy to her creAtor for revenge Against the U.S. Soldiers who murdered her fAmily, But KushAlA’s prAyers were Answered insteAd by An evil Spirit of VengeAnce Born from A DeAd Sentient plAnet nAmed LeviAthAn. Who possessed KushAlA As The demon Rider.
Now possessed & empowered by Her evil Spirit of VengeAnce, KushAlA The Demon Rider Rides on Her hellhorse to successfully Hunt her FAmily’s murderers. Soon Afterwards In an effort to Rid herself of her Evil possession of LeviAthAn, KushAlA trAveled to the ends of the EArth leArning All forms of mAgic. EventuAlly becoming the EArths & Her time periods Sorcerer Supreme.
While teAming up With Fellow Sorcerer Supreme Dr. Stephen StrAnge & Spirit Of VengeAnce Ghost Rider Johnny BlAze, KushAlA Conjures her Ancestors love To finAlly Control the wild infernAl rAge of her own MAgicAl hellfire superpowers To devour LeviAthAn & gAin benevolent power over her evil Spirit Of VengeAnce, MAking herself The Spirit Rider.
This duAl supreme Benevolent mAstery in the supernAturAl powers of hellfire & mAgic, mAkes KushAlA The Spirit Rider one of the most Authentic, powerful & vengeful supernAturAl heroes in All the MArvel Universe.
*All comic images & videos of Kushala The Spirit Rider are legal property of Marvel Comics & are for Educational Fair Use Purposes Only*

Origin ⚡️Story⚡️

BAbe’s Comic Art is a DisAbled MutAnt Run Hobby collecting originAl comic Art Since 2019
BAbe’s Comic Art name & mascots,
Captain A. BAbe & BAbe
give homAge to the American Legend Of BAbe The Blue Ox
BAbe’s Comic Art Is from The SAn Luis Valley In ColorAdo 🏔️🦣🪲🦅🐊🦬🏔️


SAn Luis, ColorAdo - USA